Friday, March 13, 2009

Gold at the end ...

... of the Rainbow

Our adventure began 77 days ago, on Christmas Eve. Not knowing when it would end was the hardest part. Not that there is "and ending" but for us being together at home was our goal. All 4 girls in one room, arguing, yelling, crying, interacting. I used a lot of humor to disguise and help us get through some tough moments, worries, and aggravations. At times the little things seemed big, and the big things seemed insurmountable. What I can say is that we have a great community of family and friends who help us when we are down and pick us up when we fall. I THANK YOU ALL FOR THAT. Just being able to write this now is proof. As Becky takes Amanda to school, Jeanette and Amanda are sleeping and Alexandra is trying to sleep (she grunts a lot).

Our departure had a lot of meaning as we were able to get a high school friend of Jeanette's as Alexandra's last nurse. We also were able to see our neighbor in the NICU, her son leave on the same day. Both of us arrived at the NICU in December and we were all leaving together. But our hearts were also sad as another baby, born a day later than Alexandra but on her 24th week of labor was still at the hospital. I could see the happiness in the mother's eye's and sadness watching us leave but knowing her daughter couldn't and unsure when.

Life is fragile. Don't forget that.
Small life is precious. Don't forget that.
Hard times make us stronger but seem to take forever to pass.

Tears remind us of the struggles that make the gold at the end of the rainbow feasible. I never believed in that saying until now. The gold is what we make it.
Our gold, my gold was seeing Liana with her little sister in her arms. It was precious. I thank all of you reading this for your prayers and support.

Thanks for reading and sharing in our journey!


Anonymous said...

Welcome home Alexandra!!

And Richard, thank you for sharing the journey with us...I'm so thankful you've all reached that pot of GOLD!!

Praise God!!

We're all REJOICING with you!

Anonymous said...

Richard what wonderful news and great pictures. You are truly blessed. Wishing you and your family the very best.