Thursday, February 26, 2009
Two Months-A-Versary
- The Upper GI test turned out negative. No signs of issues or concerns. Alexandra is growing well but she is under developed or developing slower that we would like but not abnormally. In english, she may be a few weeks behind with her digestive system than a baby born at the same time span but all is working well.
- She should be home in April. The doctor wants to release her when she is totally off all medications and feeding perfectly. But that doesn't happen in America, since the insurance companies demand independence earlier. So she will be at the hospital until the doctor's feel we can handle any conditions she may have. Such as a monitor during her sleep hours to ensure she breaths normally and consistantly.
- They removed her feeding tube today. All feed will be done by bottle. That is a huge step but she may not gain weight as fast now since she has to excert more energy per feeding.
- All contact by HUMANS OTHER THAN Jeanette, Richard, Amanda and Liana is FORBIDDEN! The doctors clearly stated that no one but us four should be touching, holding, kissing, or getting too close to her. Amanda and Liana will do so sparingly. Once she goes home this will be hard for many to swallow. That includes family members not listed. The doctors explained that germs (especially lips kissing baby) can cause her a lot of harm and undue stress, fighting bacteria her body may not be able to cope with. More details on this one later ... no need to start whipping the horse when we don't have the cargo or wagon hitched!
- She started to receive her vacinations today. Another step toward going home.
- More news to come after I visit her later tonight.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Robo kid

Where my time goes

Monday, February 23, 2009
What the ...
The Sunday Dance
Amanda's Cupcake group (or is it Brownie?) had a jamboree with other local troops (or is it squads?). Each troop had a country to represent and then perform a skit, dance, story or something to represent the country. Amanda's troop had Scotland. I suggested a nice 15 year old scotch sampling for the table but they selected the safer cookie and dance routine. Below is a quick video of their dance which they had maybe an hour or two practice beforehand.
Sunday Feedings

Weekend Frustration
This weekend lead to a new level of frustration. Alexandra has been having issues during some of her feedings, not being able to keep all of her milk down. At times she seems to have some of it come back up during any of the three different methods (breast, tube or bottle). On Friday we were told a pH test was to be given. Which is a swab, down her throat to test and see if she what the acid level is down the throat. If high, that indicates reflux or stomach acid coming up. When I heard this news I immediately thought it would be high, due to the fact of a tube down her throat for the tube feeding, which could or does irritate the throat passage. Let’s keep in mind it has been there for almost two months. In my mind I felt it would give a false positive, but I assumed the doctors already took that into account when they order the test. On Saturday we found out the test was cancelled. After more digging, cancelled due to the fact that the test cannot be done while a tube feeding is in place. NO SHIT.
Now an Upper GI has been ordered for today. This will reveal or give a better understanding if something wrong is happening with the digestion of her food and passageway. In my mind I feel her digestion isn’t the issue but the timing of the feedings. Every 3 hours, no matter what.
"Are you sleeping? Hmm, well let me wake you and shove this 38, or wait
43 ml of milk down you, give you 30 minutes to binge. Oh is that spit up? Here
let me shake you so we can cram the last little bit down you. Are you cranky? Is
that gas, hold on let me shove more down your throat, just a little more, hold
on bitch, quite squirming you have another feeding in an hour…"
Hospitals don’t take into account the baby's timing just the timing. Some kids may need more frequent feedings. In my mind Alexandra needs maybe 6 feedings of slightly more but a longer in-between time to digest and sleep. She gets, maybe 60-90 minutes of sleep before she is fed each time, each and every day. So I need to talk to the doctor and ask questions, and insert my opinion instead of letting the system dictate and then create issues instead of fixing issues. I am tired of “When is she coming out question” when I have no clue on what is going wrong, why is it taking so long, and when are there any signs of improvement.
On the positive side, she did great me last night with a small but deadly fart while I was changing her. For a minute I thought Liana was in the room. DAM that stunk!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Operation Escape Codename: Zero Two Nineteen

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Drink, Drink, DRINK!
More news to come. I will be heading to the hospital to shove the 5:30 feeding down her throat. Lets see how it goes.
Here are some past pictures of Amanda and Liana when they were Alexandra's age:

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Two hours is never enough ...

Our Visit to see Alexandra was a typical two hour session. This time my aunt Carol and my cousin's wife Thai stopped in for a visit. We found the NICU more than busy as ever child had at least a parent or two visiting. The room on the 3rd floor is much smaller, almost like a closet, holding 8 or 10 babies. One baby that was born a day or so after Alexandra graduated to the same floor and is behind her. He weighs just over 5 pounds and started at 2 pounds just like Ali. She now weighs 4 pounds 4 ounces. The next question is "When will she come out?" I have no exact answer on that one. I think we have to meet 2 or more of the following:
- When she drinks all her milk from all 8 feedings from a bottle with no issues
- When she can sit in a car seat for an hour
- When she craps on one of the doctors
- When she cries for more attention and the nurses go crazy
- When the moon turns blue and a cow jumps nearby
- When the insurance finally gets their act together and starts paying the bills without stupid questions holding up claims
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Pictures say more than words ...
Friday, February 13, 2009
Too cozy to drink
I started to feed her and she started on the bottle well. Drinking and then dozing off. I had to tickle her feet to keep her stimulated. After about 15 minutes of the swallow, sleep, swallow, sleep process I had to get her less cozy. Unwrapped her and she started to whine. "Whaa, whaaa waa" in her little mousy tone (she really does sound like a high pitch mouse). The nurse came by to see how things were going while I was burping her.
"Oh, that was a truck driver burp!" the nurse said as Ali looked content and less uncomfortable. It actually was a huge belch. One that Liana nor Amanda has done. More like a Jessica belch (my 23 year old niece who burps like a truck driver). It was funny and satisfying, finally burping a baby (no bigger than my arm) and they give you a response "Job well done!". So I put her back on and when she slowed down, burped her some more. None were as loud or satisfying. The nurse explained that if this wasn't breast milk she would have more gas and constipation. Imagine that.
So, my family left the hospital at 6:15 to meet some old friends at The Big Cheese. A very good Italian place near Dadeland on US1. Great pizza and salads. Too bad I couldn't join but Jeanette was at home with the monsters, cleaning the house and then when I got home she had to return by 9 to feed Ali by breast.
My evening ended at 11:30 when I called Jeanette, who hasn't returned and she was in the middle of a Familia party at the hospital. That is a small support group of Catholic mothers who travel around aimlessly on Thursday evenings with food, gossip and small talk (just kidding ;-). All I could hear was laughter, screaming and yelling like a sorority party that just started. At least I knew she wasn't sleeping on the road. I planned to download the pictures before I went to bed but we know how plans go ...

Thursday, February 12, 2009
Alexandra's New Home
She was moved to the 3rd floor at the hospital. One step closer to the door and home. Alexandra Michelle now weighs 4 pounds 2 ounces. In 46 days she more than doubled her birth weight. She now needs to take all of her milk from a bottle without any breathing issues before she can go home.
Home has also changed. It is now cleaner than ever. We hired an arc welder to blow torch all of the dust, soot, and cob webs from the house. We had someone perform a cleaning like none other as the house needed to be at least clean for Ali to come home to. Time has not been our friend for the past couple months (really years when it comes to cleaning). Our house is small but detailed cleaning always takes time, which we never set aside. So I am thinking of looking to turn my girls into Cinderella, so they can clean, cook and toil while I sit back and complain how bad things are. I might have to wait a few years before I can get Liana to vacuum or mop. Not much time today. I will try and get the pictures off the camera as we have a couple days already piling up. I will have to look into the wifi-memory card for the camera so it can upload all of my pictures to flickr without having to touch a computer.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The Condensed Evening
- Why the new Amazon section? We just went there last week.
Most of the class hasn't and it is new part of the zoo. - My Jelly sandwich doesn't tast good.
Well if you eat ham and cheese like a normal child I wouldn't feed you crap. - Why wont you let me run like the others?
This isn't field day or slam dance sessions, it is a field trip. - Why can't I feed the birds?
Birds are like telemarketers, feed them once they will never leave you alone ... hence the current issue. - Why can't I do sand angels and throw sand?
You can if you want me to chop off your hair so it is easier to get out.
Dam, wait until you are a teenager and you think I am strict. She has NO idea what is in store for her with her mother. Despite the "why's" we did have fun and enjoy a day away from the normal routine. It was nice seeing the other parents, sharing stories, and taking over the zoo with 32 screaming kids.
Coming home started the avalanche as we actually tried to accomplish something before the 4pm dash. We had a 5pm CPR class at the hospital, another checklist item to get accomplished before taking home Alexandra. I had to give them a bath before leaving, drop them off at Abuelos for dinner and then race to the hospital fighting traffic. We got there late but still able to make it to the class. The class was simple and to the point. One of Alexandra's head nurse, who knows us well gave the class with 3 other couples. We visited Ali after class and found out she is right next to the door now. She will be moving up stairs to the 3rd floor, with the normal babies which is a step out the door then.
She is very close to receiving all her feedings by bottle. She eats like a hog, as we were told by that nurse at 5. Which leads to plenty of gas and dirty diapers. That is leading to her real only issue. A diaper rash. It is very bad to where she has two creams, one to treat and the other to coat. And we can't clean her but too much or her skin will peal. That's the hard part. She looked very cute sleeping with the pacifier, making the sucking sounds. She is two or less ounces away from 4 pounds. I think sometime this weekend or a week from today she will be at home with us.
Her next feeding was at 9pm and Jeanette wanted to breast feed her prior to the bottle. So we had to get some dinner down in the cafeteria, race to the Abuelos to get the girls home and in bed and then get Jeanette to the hospital by 8:30. So in reality we scarfed down our food at the hospital, yanked the girls out of the Abuelos and then raced home to throw them in bed. Jeanette pumped while I got the gremlins in bed. Just as she left for the hospital and Liana waking up 3 times since she had a long nap during the day I started to watch a movie I got from Netflix around 9:30. I dozed off on the sofa just as Jeanette was opening the garage door at 11. I guess the laudray will just have to wait another day.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Split forces ...
Monday, February 9, 2009
Ol Kleyr
However the "Ol Kleyr" words lead me to a theme for Alexandra. On Friday she weighed in at 3lbs 12 ounces. She just started to wear regular clothes and she no longer is in the bassinet (I call incubator, which was a temperature controlled, plastic encased cube that had holes for our hands to get inside). Alexandra is now wrapped up in a blanket, with clothes on. On Friday I visited her on my way home from work which then allowed Jeanette and her sister to visit. That evening turned into a very long visit but Tia was able to hold and feed Ali with a bottle. Something few of us have done and maybe never do since we hope to get her off the bottle and straight on tap. I myself prefer a cold beer on tap more than the bottle or can. I can only imagine what the warm milk tastes like when you have to work for it.
- SJN Fun Fair pictures
- Gifts for the girls (dresses, hair clips, shoes, etc.)
- Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate. My niece Jaclyn sent us some hand made chocolate for us and the girls. Not just chocolate but the real crap one dies for as we have a large selection of white and regular goodies for us to get high on for a while. Pictures coming soon of this.