Friday, February 20, 2009

Operation Escape Codename: Zero Two Nineteen

Our third operation escape was planned and started on the same day. After arriving home late (late to me is near 6pm) we had to scarf down some fast food (which never happens on a week night) and then make brownies for the school bake sale. Of course the gremlins wanted to help "me lick, me lick!". As you can see they did their job cleaning our spatula and whisk. No need to put them in the dishwasher. Our 7pm licking will haunt us later as Liana had issues going to sleep ... too much sugar and/or chocolate. Our rule, which we observer religiously ... no chocolate after 6pm. It will, and always does keep her up. Either the caffeine or the sugar combo, but a cookie, cake, ice cream, ant, anything with chocolate keeps the kid awake. So we do the Gizmo standard minus six (remember from Gremlins, "don't feed them after midnight"?).
Christie was our parent impostor and she was well briefed capable of performing her task with her eyes closed, laying down on the sofa. Jeanette left just after 8 so she could try and give Alexandra some milk on tap. I had to wait until just after 8:30 when Liana decided not to come out of the room. I arrived at the hospital just as Ali was finishing her "gabage" feeding. That is the tube down the throat process. Just a few hours before I wrote the doctors put her on all 8 feedings by bottle but she was too tired to take the milk on tap or from a bottle. Alexandra just wanted to sleep. And I heard that her feeding earlier she had breathing issues so, the move to 8 bottles went back down to 4. I am no rocket scientist but I thought that was a huge jump myself.
So I was able to hold her for at least an hour while she slept, perfectly still. She looked like she would have stayed days in the curled up position, too cozy and hot as a furnace. She now weighs 4 pound 9 ounces. I am hoping to visit on Friday evening for bath time. Our third mission went well as no alarms or issues occurred, not until 1pm and 5:30 am when Liana woke up wondering if it way daytime yet. Dam school brownies.
Have a good weekend. We are actually planning to go to the movies while Amanda, Liana and Tia go to a build-a-bear birthday party.

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