Monday, February 23, 2009

What the ...

Saturday we pawned the girls off to Tia for a Build-a-Bear birthday party at the Falls, while Jeanette and we able to listen to silence for a few hours. We wanted to see a movie, something we haven't done in a while but her pumping schedule didn't sync in with the movie schedule and lunch so we dropped that idea. We did however go to P.F. Chang's for lunch. Neither of the girls like the food there so we don't waste our time going as a family and decided it was the best place to eat in peace. So we actually ate with the pigeons outside while it was a bit windy and cold (mid 60's imagine that). The local pigeons went to town on a table next to us when the people left. I thought at first a cat was on the table as they moved stacked plates, fought and ate everything imaginable on the table. Even the dam birds in Venice are not as bold. I was hoping one would land on my table so I could eat for free, but no luck there. I should have had my camera ready.

The Sunday Dance
Amanda's Cupcake group (or is it Brownie?) had a jamboree with other local troops (or is it squads?). Each troop had a country to represent and then perform a skit, dance, story or something to represent the country. Amanda's troop had Scotland. I suggested a nice 15 year old scotch sampling for the table but they selected the safer cookie and dance routine. Below is a quick video of their dance which they had maybe an hour or two practice beforehand.

Sunday Feedings

Our Sunday after mass was spent at the Brownie (or is it Cookie?) event. Then we shipped Jeanette to the hospital for the 5:30 feeding of Alexandra and then I raced to the 8:30 feeding.

Weekend Frustration
This weekend lead to a new level of frustration. Alexandra has been having issues during some of her feedings, not being able to keep all of her milk down. At times she seems to have some of it come back up during any of the three different methods (breast, tube or bottle). On Friday we were told a pH test was to be given. Which is a swab, down her throat to test and see if she what the acid level is down the throat. If high, that indicates reflux or stomach acid coming up. When I heard this news I immediately thought it would be high, due to the fact of a tube down her throat for the tube feeding, which could or does irritate the throat passage. Let’s keep in mind it has been there for almost two months. In my mind I felt it would give a false positive, but I assumed the doctors already took that into account when they order the test. On Saturday we found out the test was cancelled. After more digging, cancelled due to the fact that the test cannot be done while a tube feeding is in place. NO SHIT.

Now an Upper GI has been ordered for today. This will reveal or give a better understanding if something wrong is happening with the digestion of her food and passageway. In my mind I feel her digestion isn’t the issue but the timing of the feedings. Every 3 hours, no matter what.
"Are you sleeping? Hmm, well let me wake you and shove this 38, or wait
43 ml of milk down you, give you 30 minutes to binge. Oh is that spit up? Here
let me shake you so we can cram the last little bit down you. Are you cranky? Is
that gas, hold on let me shove more down your throat, just a little more, hold
on bitch, quite squirming you have another feeding in an hour…"

Hospitals don’t take into account the baby's timing just the timing. Some kids may need more frequent feedings. In my mind Alexandra needs maybe 6 feedings of slightly more but a longer in-between time to digest and sleep. She gets, maybe 60-90 minutes of sleep before she is fed each time, each and every day. So I need to talk to the doctor and ask questions, and insert my opinion instead of letting the system dictate and then create issues instead of fixing issues. I am tired of “When is she coming out question” when I have no clue on what is going wrong, why is it taking so long, and when are there any signs of improvement.

On the positive side, she did great me last night with a small but deadly fart while I was changing her. For a minute I thought Liana was in the room. DAM that stunk!

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