Thursday, February 5, 2009

Operation Escape Codename: Zero Two Zero Four

"Mike October Mike this is Delta Alpha Delta are we on for Zero Two Zero Four at Twenty Forty Five?"

"Affirmative Delta Alpha Delta, the operation is a go. I repeat the operation is a go..."

No more squelch or transmissions our second parent impostor mission was already active before I got home. Our new field agent Alpha November November Alpha appeared right on time at the designated drop time. Everyone was briefed as before so we didn't have much to say. We scampered out the door and raced to the destination just minutes after zero hour.

We arrived at our destination to greet nurse Reggie and another lead nurse. Alexandra was ready for her second bottle and we were going to give it to her. Not only that but we are going to put on her first clothes and then reduce the bubble's temperature probe to a stagnant temperature instead of Ali's body dictating the temperature. All went well with the feeding as Alexandra took about 15-20 ml by bottle and a few more with the tube method.

Just as we were in the middle of the bottle feed, our communicator rings. I snatch the devise and remove myself from the NICU as cell phones are prohibited.

"This is Alpha November November Alpha, I say all is well, I repeat all is well but I need to know where the Bravo Alpha Tango Hotel Romeo Oscar Oscar Mike is? All entries are closed and I don't want to wake the mice."

Dam, we didn't brief our agent as well as we thought. "Use the first door on the hall. I repeat the door at the end of the hall. Delta Alpha Delta out." That was quick thinking by the agent as too much noise or light would stir the mice from their nest.

I included some pictures from the mission as well as a Top Secret one of Mike October Mike without highlights. I am told the natural color hair is a disguise, not her "real-fake" hair color. I understand. I wouldn't want her identity blown on the outside. The mission ended just after 2300 hours. All went well and smooth as planned. Despite the weather, nothing spoiled our plans or ruined our special moment as a remote family.

Delta Alpha Delta out.
Alexandra's current weight = 3lbs 9 ounces

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