Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Rolling with the changes

Monday was a typical Monday. Listening to the Steeler fans at work gloat and the others of us happy for a good game but disappointed it wasn't an upset. It was funny to hear all of the "Congratulations" to the one person nearby who is a huge Steeler fan. His comment after about 20 of the remarks "I didn't do a dam thing, I just sat and watched." That is true but people were patting him on the back like a first time father who brought a kid into the world. And for that matter, I am like a Steeler fan who actually did nothing in the delivery time but I get the congratulations.
Our visiting time at the hospital happened at 10'ish due to a funeral Jeanette and Abuelo went to. So after Amanda and company got back from ballet, Jeanette had to eat, pump and run out the door. Putting the girls down was easier than expected and all went well there. Then Abuelo came by after the wake to sit with the girls for an hour while Jeanette and I went to see Alexandra. She is doing well. Already at 6 lbs 3 0unces.

Actually she weighs three pounds, six ounces (I wanted to make sure you were reading for comprehension). We were talking to the nurse about our classes this week and next for CPR and Infant Care. We are beginning the stages to get her ready for extraction. Alexandra's test will be coming soon. They will remove her from the incubator, put clothes on her, and let her body temperature change to the outside instead of the controlled environment. That will occur at 4 lbs. Which could happen in a week or so. Also the big test is Ali taking the bottle, breathing, and gaining weight all at the same time. Usually for a premie, taking the bottle takes a lot more energy than the feeding tube. So we got home just after 11, and then I forgot to take the pictures from the computer from the weekend. Actually I didn't forget I started to watch a movie Babylon AD with Vin Diesel, and I opted not to get my lazy ass off the sofa until Abuelo came to stay with the girls. Needless to say I only seen the first 30 minutes so hopefully before the week ends I can finish it. I started to upload my pictures to flickr but only six out of the 60+ made it. I let it start to upload around 11:30 and went to bed and Jeanette must have turned off the computer before it finished. So these were the best of the six shots:

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