Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Split forces ...

Monday was typical as any plans we had made changed during the day. I had to go straight from work to the hospital. Jeanette heard in the morning that Alexandra was doing well on the bottle and a 6 pm breast feeding would work. So my task was to meet them at the hospital, take the girls and the van after they left ballet and leave Jeanette at the hospital stranded. This would allow her to feed Ali before 6 (since they got there at 5:30) and I would take everyone home for dinner, homework, complaining, arguing and bath time.

"Gum" is my first name, if you haven't known. I changed it legally a year or so ago ever since I gave Liana her first piece of Juicy Fruit. The second I sat in the van to take them home the word "Gum? Gum!? Gum please! Gum?" comes out. "Not yet I just started driving, you will have to wait until I stop." Which in Miami occurs more than moving forward. Gum in Jeanette's world is sin in the mouth. She is a tooth brush maniac. She hates the candy, gum or food that cause turmoil in the mouth. Sticky items are just cavities waiting to happen. I am on the other end, never having a cavity or teeth issues, don't see harm in the small items in moderation. One stick of gum a week is toooooo much. She's the candy nazi, hence the bombardment of pleads when a change in command occurs.

"Movie? Movie!? Movie!!!" Which is my middle name. I hate giving into the movie since we reserve it for long trips instead of traffic. But what the hell. I gave them both after a while of waiting in traffic and we finally made it home after 6:30. So now I had 2 hours to cook dinner, do home work with Amanda, give Liana a few minutes, laundry, trash, bath time and any other fire that comes up. It had to be a full moon since I got cooperation most of the evening. I started them off with a cookie. My way of "don't ask for anything" so I go to the top of the wish list.

Jeanette got home around 7:30 when her dad picked her up at the hospital and dropped her at home. She was able to breast feed Alexandra for the entire feeding. She is now over 3 lbs 13 ounces, closing in on 4 pounds. The magical 6:30-8 time that was restricted from visits for nurse change is just a myth. Some policy change that occurred last year but the signs never came down. So most assumed it was in force but it never was. These pictures are from Amanda's visit on Sunday.

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