Thursday, February 26, 2009

Two Months-A-Versary

Yes, today is Alexandra's 2nd month after birth. She started just under 2 pounds and is now just an ounce under 5 pounds. Jeanette was able to see and talk to the doctor last night. I stayed at home with a cold that Amanda seems to have as well. I didn't want Ali do get my soar throat and pains. Anyways the doctor gave us a ton of information that I will summarize in bullets instead of a large paragraph so you may digest the information easier:
  • The Upper GI test turned out negative. No signs of issues or concerns. Alexandra is growing well but she is under developed or developing slower that we would like but not abnormally. In english, she may be a few weeks behind with her digestive system than a baby born at the same time span but all is working well.
  • She should be home in April. The doctor wants to release her when she is totally off all medications and feeding perfectly. But that doesn't happen in America, since the insurance companies demand independence earlier. So she will be at the hospital until the doctor's feel we can handle any conditions she may have. Such as a monitor during her sleep hours to ensure she breaths normally and consistantly.
  • They removed her feeding tube today. All feed will be done by bottle. That is a huge step but she may not gain weight as fast now since she has to excert more energy per feeding.
  • All contact by HUMANS OTHER THAN Jeanette, Richard, Amanda and Liana is FORBIDDEN! The doctors clearly stated that no one but us four should be touching, holding, kissing, or getting too close to her. Amanda and Liana will do so sparingly. Once she goes home this will be hard for many to swallow. That includes family members not listed. The doctors explained that germs (especially lips kissing baby) can cause her a lot of harm and undue stress, fighting bacteria her body may not be able to cope with. More details on this one later ... no need to start whipping the horse when we don't have the cargo or wagon hitched!
  • She started to receive her vacinations today. Another step toward going home.
  • More news to come after I visit her later tonight.

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