I started to feed her and she started on the bottle well. Drinking and then dozing off. I had to tickle her feet to keep her stimulated. After about 15 minutes of the swallow, sleep, swallow, sleep process I had to get her less cozy. Unwrapped her and she started to whine. "Whaa, whaaa waa" in her little mousy tone (she really does sound like a high pitch mouse). The nurse came by to see how things were going while I was burping her.
"Oh, that was a truck driver burp!" the nurse said as Ali looked content and less uncomfortable. It actually was a huge belch. One that Liana nor Amanda has done. More like a Jessica belch (my 23 year old niece who burps like a truck driver). It was funny and satisfying, finally burping a baby (no bigger than my arm) and they give you a response "Job well done!". So I put her back on and when she slowed down, burped her some more. None were as loud or satisfying. The nurse explained that if this wasn't breast milk she would have more gas and constipation. Imagine that.
So, my family left the hospital at 6:15 to meet some old friends at The Big Cheese. A very good Italian place near Dadeland on US1. Great pizza and salads. Too bad I couldn't join but Jeanette was at home with the monsters, cleaning the house and then when I got home she had to return by 9 to feed Ali by breast.
My evening ended at 11:30 when I called Jeanette, who hasn't returned and she was in the middle of a Familia party at the hospital. That is a small support group of Catholic mothers who travel around aimlessly on Thursday evenings with food, gossip and small talk (just kidding ;-). All I could hear was laughter, screaming and yelling like a sorority party that just started. At least I knew she wasn't sleeping on the road. I planned to download the pictures before I went to bed but we know how plans go ...

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