Monday, January 12, 2009

Another Manic Monday

I wish it were a Sunday, that's my fun day. The I don't have to run day...
Yeah, you know the song. Too bad my bed room voice is just a yawn and a good night.

Work was hectic, two additional projects that need to be done "immediately". One is for the Peace Corps, I have a tiny part of the big puzzle. I am amazed at how many government jobs we have now, which is good for us as they are long term, large contracts. Did you know the Library of Congress is the worlds largest collection of literature and information? Our company and facilities, stores, manages and secures (yes hacked every day) the entire site for the government. Take a look at the site
Tons of great resources for kids and adults. Ok, lets forget about my Intranet redesign/migration, database clone and implement, Virtual Tour project, and presentation due today.

Jeanette calls me at 4:01, right when I was ending a meeting. Then on my desk phone, then again on my cell. Knowing I usually leave around 3:59 to 4:01. "Oh, so you are working late today I gather (which happens every leap year)."
"Uh, (looking at my watch) yeah, 4:04 you are right, working late again. Why?"
Late is a concept that we take for granted since in my terms it is an hour or less (as I tend to work at home and on the road-blackberry, a concept some can't gather).
"Well, I just found out touch time is at 6. Can you come pick me up. I will leave Liana with my Mom, and Amanda will be home at 5:30 from ballet. BUT you have to get here by 5:30 so we can get at the hospital on time. SOOOO, when are you leaving!?"
Thinking ... hmmm, I really gotta use the bathroom, a process that has been on hold for two meetings already. The current conversation already has me strapped at the desk and it's 4:10. "Ok, I think I can get out of here in 10 minutes, drive like a madman (more like a snail on US1 from downtown arena to the Falls). I should be there ..."

So we do it but I insist I don't go in the house since Liana will go nutz if I show my face and leave. She already gave me an issue during bath time: "Me no touch Alexandra. Me want to touch." and she said it in her sad tone. So we have to plan around the trauma that she can't see her at all other than pictures.

Needless to say we got to Ali early, before 5:30. And we both were able to touch and at least give her a caring hand. She is filling out more and more each day. I would love to show the pictures but my dam MacBook Pro does not work well with my Canon Rebel XT camera. Canon doesn't have the application drivers. I tried a VMWare work around with a Windows installation but the computer still has issues. So, I will do so soon.

Alexandra was warm and cozy in her nest. She has more hair than I do. Jeanette held the feeding bottle which is attached to a tube in her throat. She had 15ml in less than a couple minutes. I was able to change her diaper. She is soo tiny but not as fragile as we might think. Back in the Amanda days I had a fear of babies being fragile but Amanda was dropped a few times and I don't think she has suffered any other than being a clone of her Abuela (JK on all of her dropping). We stayed about an hour and took some great pictures. Her breathing is less erratic. More 40-80 than the 30-100+ pace.

I had some great responses and a ton more to cover this week. Previews of the topics to come:
  • Oh shit Sharky ...
  • Why are soap opera's so fake?
  • Old friends popping up left and right
  • Great SNL skit ideas
  • The week long Princess Amadala's birthday requests (Amanda turns 6 on Thursday).
  • Cookies and milk for the monsters
  • When will Friday end
  • Moving back home

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