Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Day of Smiles

The weekend finally hit after my first long week of work. I haven't had a five day work week since early December.

I took the 3 girls to the hospital to see Alexandra for her 4pm touch-time. We made it on time but I took Liana on a stroll around the hospital lake to enjoy the weather and let Lee sleep for a while. Jeanette took Amanda to see Ali and we would swap so she could be with Liana while I went. When I took Amanda in to see Alexandra and she was wide awake looking for us as we talked to her. For a moment she turned her head to see us, then gave us a huge grin that we both saw and went "Ahhhh". Her smile was a greeting that made us both happier. So with that in mind I list a handful of smiles from the day I had or observed:
  • Sleeping for 7 hours straight, then Liana getting into bed and falling asleep allowing me to get 30 more minutes! No Papi, feed me, cartoons, just snuggled and slept (I thought she was sick at first)
  • Petshop's toys at the Falls ... Amanda says "Now we have three places to get them, Toys R Us, Target and the Falls."
  • The girls getting a simple helium balloon. Which in fact was the only gift we gave Amanda when she turned 1 and the best $4 gift I ever gave anyone. They continue to get amazed by a simple blown up item. I brought home two latex gloves from the hospital a while ago and blew them up. Dam things were around for days. I called them a balloon with utters.
  • Liana watching the ducks in a pond at the hospital
  • Gum, gum and more gum. Which make Jeanette frown as she feels the girls teeth will fall out with every chew.
  • Spending 2 hours walking around the Falls outdoor mall on a perfect winter day (mid 70's)
  • Getting to Publix for a sub and only waiting 3 minutes! Very rare, happened only one other time in my life and that was when the Bears went to the Super bowl

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