Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday is Here!

Our First Lesson is on Peering ...

I realize most of you don't understand telecommunications, Internet architecture, or common terms such as Public and Private Peering. You are in luck this is your first class on the subject. By connecting to Terremark's Internet Exchange you can choose to establish either Public or Private Peering arrangements. When choosing Public Peering, VLAN connections to peers are established without using dedicated circuits. Your data is securely carried by the VLAN shared only by you and your peering or transit partners. For Private Peering, Terremark has a fully-redundant Exchange Point Platform which provides you with the flexibility and functionality you need to more rapidly and cost-effectively perform a variety of key carrier functions. I like drawings as they help visualize the terms, concepts, and architecture.

Peering in Your World ...

You must be asking yourself ... am I at the right site? What does this have to do with Alexandra? Why on earth did I just read that worthless crap? Think of Public Peering no more than a circle of friends who all know other people. Now, I have an issue. My daughter is in the NICU. Well other's have either had the issue, know of someone at the hospital, or have a friend that as one or both of the mentioned items. Then they share that information with us, which in then helps us immediately such as, nurse "A" knows our name and child already from friend "B". Or we mention we know Doctor "C" and then they (hospital staff) opens up to us. That my friends in Peering, but in the Telecommunications field Friends, Doctors, Nurses are really, Amazon sites, PayPal, Advertising Agencies, and Google's combining information, sharing resources, for a common goal. Some pretty powerful stuff that happens in a box. So keep up the Peering phone calls, as they have all helped us more than one way or another.

Three Days Before Alexandra ...

My nephew Richard was married to Renee. The white specks are not dust to all you Floridians but snow flakes as well as the white on the ground, that's "collected snow". Since our winter just ended this week (actually 3 days of 35-45 degree mornings) I thought it was symbolic to show you what it looks like when you live in a freezer or Chicago for example. I also found out that Renee and Alexandra share the same birth date, December 26th. Them and my sister have the "Holiday Birthdays" when most ignore or forget them, or combine gifts for the occasion. At least I know I can send Ali to either of you for advise whenever she complains about that issue. Renee should now be in California on base. She is in the Navy, training as a sonar tech for submarines. I adore submarine and the technology. "Das Boot" is one of my favorite movies and book. We have a couple submariners who work at my company. Especially in the telecommunication field and cryptography fields. Rich on the other hand will probably join her at some time. He is a Reserve Navy Corpsman, who are in fact the best people to have nearby when the "it-shay its-hay e-thay an-fay" (that's Pig Latin). I have a few Corpsman stories to tell one day ...
To decipher go to:

I have pictures from the last couple days but Jeanette has the camera. So I will do a massive upload this weekend.

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