Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Control My Crap!

Another day and the "same news" update, which is always good. I added two pictures from the video I took (smuggled my Flip video cam into the hospital) so you can get a clear shot without any tubes near her head. All is going well as Alexandra gains weight.
I Control My Crap headline:
On the other storm front, Liana now starts her potty training session as she ripped off her diaper and declared "freedom" from the padding and will only wear panties now. Liana's aunt Elenita got her a training potty that plays 4 different song riffs when it detects liquid or weight. She was so excited to hear the music she started to drop shit (not real shit but crap, not real crap but garbage) into the toilet for the rewarding noises. I told you she is more like Tom every day (not that he drops shit, just knows how to "trick" the system).

So, tonight I take the girls to a friends bowling party. Amanda was excited, having bowled a couple times already. Liana refused to go until I told her they serve bacon. That peaked her interest and she got excited. But I am not sure how I can work in this potty issue and bowling together since Jeanette will be at the hospital with Ali. I may have to create a no bacon, potty reward system somehow. More news to come as it happens...


Rich and the 4 Girls

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