Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Weekend of Changes

In order to catch up I need to combine the weekend. Jeanette called first thing on Saturday morning to find out how Ali was doing since our horrific visit that evening. She gave the nurses a scare as her breathing and heart rate fell for a few seconds. When they rushed to her they found out she had taken a HUGE dump, which caused her vitals to stop while she pushed the crap out of her system. All I could picture was a person dropping a grenade down a hole, jumping to the side, yelling "Fire in the hole!" ... then shit flying everywhere as the nurses grab their heads. I guess that might have been another of the "issues" she had last night. Blood transfusion, increase food (24ml), dam IV dangling from her hand like a cleaver, couldn't sleep, etc. That made us feel a bit better about the events and what to expect on our Saturday visit.

Build-a-Bear Day!
First thing out of Amanda's mouth was "so when is Tia coming to take me to Build-a-Bear?". My response at 8:00 was, "Need coffee.."

"So when will she be here, huh, in a little bit, should we get ready, what should I get, I saw this ...blah, blah, blah, blah blah...." was all I heard after her machine gun questions. I kept oozing toward the kitchen as I searched for the needed items to begin the day. As I grinded the beans, which sounds like nails in a jar. I looked over my shoulder and saw Amanda's lips moving but I couldn't hear a thing coming out of her mouth. Until I stopped "And what should I get the Bear, Penguin, Tiger, or ...." Uh oh, question time, better start grinding more ... I made a fine dust out of the beans just to avoid the machine gun Build-a-Fricken-Bear-Banter-get-out-of-the-house-with-Tia-day-to-shop. Amanda has her mouther's mouth with gabing. When she's talking to friends she has to speak a million-miles-a-minute just to get all of the words, stories out before time elapses. Luckily Liana is on my wave-length. "Papi coffee ..."

"Yes, Liana. I just started brewing the pot."
"Papieee... coffeeeeee please."
"Yes Liana, it just started brewing."
"Papi, Papiiii. Coffee?"

"Y-E-S. Two minutes." and I walk away to escape the badgering repetitive question. Just as I close and lock the bathroom door. "Papiieeeeee (why are you ignoring me sound) Coffeeeeeeee!" as she beats on the door. Holly crap. I felt like I was in a zombie movie. One kid still bantering about the Build-a-Bear and the other beating on the door asking for coffee. Ahhh. Luckily I came prepared for the morning. I gave Liana her coffee with sausage and an egg. She sat in the living room drinking (her three tablespoons of java) and eating her sausage and eggs. She was happy. Now the other. "Daddy, when will Tia be here? When ..."

"Stopppp! Please Amanda, quite asking me. Lets call Tia. It's after 8. She should be up (thinking, she will be now). Lets call and find out when she will get here." After a while Tia shows up and the Build-a-Bear-Indian-like-call-for-rain-dance ensues throughout the house as they get all lathered up with excitement for the shopping event of the decade. So the plan: Get them to the mall. Get us to the hospital so we can see Alexandra for 12:30 touch time.

And they are off! Everyone parts ways and we get to the hospital with a needed supply of milk. They ran out and needed to feed her then. Luckily I added about 30 bottles of milk, one of them from the last pumping session was not frozen (both milk wells providing well). The nurse was awesome as she was happy to see us with milk and ready for touch time.

This was Ali's first picture in better state after her dump. Kinda reminds me of myself after a good movement.

These pictures are me taking her temperature under her arm.

Jeanette was able to hold her for an hour or so. Alexandra was doing great. Her heart rate and breathing was well and the nurse explained that we should be holding her every day. For her needs and ours. Timing is usually the key. It is hard to get to the hospital on the 4 times a day 15 minute window they have during the shift changes, kid issues, events, activites, etc. Nurses play a huge part as we have found all to be nice but some more helpfull than others and others have different priorities. As I looked around the NICU I saw them attending the very needy kids that were either not doing well, have a bad day, or sadly enough, hanging onto life by a thread. Each child was like a boat in the water. Some could or could not handle the waters, weather, or had issues with their vessel all together and the nurses and doctors were trying to bale out the boat to keep them afloat. Alexandra put her hand on her mother's cross seconds after she was cozy on her chest as she held it for the entire time.
More items for the weekend but running out of time:
  • Moving back to home
  • Getting the kids back on schedule
  • Oh Shit Sharky ...
  • Ants, ants dam ants
  • Christmas decorations
  • Surprise visitor with gifts
  • My bed ...
  • Not a Manic Monday ...

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