Sunday, January 11, 2009

Two Hours at a Time

Alexandra update first then story
Ali is now at 2.65 lbs, drinking 15ml of milk every 4 hours. Breathing less erractic while resting on her belly. I will be at the hospital after work today so I can update this later tonight if anything changes (usually for the good).

Currently on weekends our lives revolve around two hour increments. Every 2 hours Jeanette has to pump for milk. When we had Liana or Amanda during the "milking years" we just stopped and attached them discreetly, never really worrying too much about when and where. But now that Alexandria really needs real milk, not formula (better to digest, more protein, antibiotics, healthier for premie, etc) Jeanette has to pump on a schedule using a machine that needs to have an outlet. We talked about putting in the van with a dc converter but then we have a milk storage/cleaning equipment issue. So most of our day has to be planned around a 2 hour intervals where we have to be at home to pump. Now I understand what a vampire must go through when they need blood and/or avoid day light. Here is a small example of our Sunday in two hour intervals.
  • 9 am - Wake up around 8, walk around like zombies, feed kids pop tarts (echos of the issues I hear: "but mine is burnt, I want cereal instead, juice no milk, milk no juice."). Drink coffee after giving Liana hers (yes she loves her 2 ounces of java on the weekend).

  • 11 am - Get ready for mass, pump just before. I get the girls ready while I take a 2 minute shower/dump and no shave. Gotta cut corners just to get to mass 15 minutes late and we only have a 2 mile drive ... go figure.

  • 1 pm - ARRG (like Charlie Brown says) Liana needs a nap! Amanda doesn't want one. Plan on leaving the two girls at Heidi's for "day with the kids" while we head home to pack up the Christmas tree, ornaments, and decorations. I run out to Publix to get food for the week while Jeanette puts the girls down for a nap. I realized the 30 people waiting at the deli would put me over the pumping time - to leave house issue.

  • 3pm - Return from Publix, planned to drop girls off at Heidi's but Jeanette and Liana are sleeping on the sofa. We also need to get to hospital for 4pm touch time but miss our window. Abuela wishes to join, kids need to get the hell out so they can play and so I can get to the house. Jeanette pumps after 3 when I take the girls to Heidi's (2 hours later than planned) then both sisters take Abuela to hospital to see Alexandra. We had to make sure we had all pumping items packed for external use at our real house.

  • 5pm - I get to house. Dam computer isn't working as my external usb connection flaked out. Intermittent Internet connection. Printed a handful of Ali pictures for family. Started to get house cleaned up. Jeanette gets to house after 5 "I gotta pump ... " running in scenario.

  • 7pm - Put one out of 7 boxes of decorations away. Made a small dent. We realized it will take two efforts to get the house normal. We collected some needed crap and then got ready to leave to get kids. Had to pump before we left. Left milk at real house to freeze to avoid spoiling issue.

  • 9pm - Left Heidi and Tony's house, had dinner without too many "kid" interruptions. Got home just after 9 for the "need to pump" issue. But we had to put the kids down, get crap out of van and get organized.

  • 11pm - Last pumping for Jeanette (sounds like an oil well update) but I went to bed around 11:30, after emails, what's for Amanda's lunch, school, etc. This had to be the only day I can recall that I haven't seen Ali due to splitting our resources.

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